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The C.R.I.B. Dream Team

The Dream Team is what we at The C.R.I.B. call our Advisory Board. The Dream Team is composed of a group of 10 community members who meet monthly at The C.R.I.B. to explore community themes and interests, co-design offerings, and to plan calendar events using the Protective Factors as a reference. All members must commit to 1 year of service, with the option of staying for an addition year once their initial term is over. Members are expected to co-design 1 offering, promote and participate in C.R.I.B. offerings, and to attend at least 10 out of the 12 monthly Dream Team meetings. Incentives are given to members as appreciation for their time and service. Incentives include but is not limited to monetary gift cards, special trips/events exclusively for Dream Team members and their families, and leadership opportunities.

Interested in becoming a Dream Team Member? Click the link below to learn more about how to join.

The CRIB's Dream Team Application

Denice Layne

Areas of Interest: Knitting, coloring, and anything that calms me down. 

Favorite Color and Why: Black; It’s simple, sexy, and misunderstood. Anything in front of black will ‘POP’ out, similar to my personality.

Atalaya (Lala) Johnson

Areas of Interest: Children, Real Estate, and Generational Wealth.

Favorite Color and Why: Gold; It’s rare, special and awesome. You can’t get it anywhere.

Evelyn Pugh
Areas of Interest: My community and fighting to make sure our students receive the services they deserve, especially students with an IEP. 
Favorite Color and Why: Purple; it's my birthstone color.

Dilesha Walker
Area of Interest: Fashion and providing activities for families and children.
Favorite Color and Why: Purple; it represents hope and balance.

Ora Goodwin
Area of Interest: Green spaces and helping people.
Favorite Color and Why: The rainbow; because every color looks perfect on me.

Omar James 

Areas of Interest: Technology, the human mind, and helping people.

Favorite Color and Why: Black; it's the first color ever invented.