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HomeReopening Page

The C.R.I.B. has reopened to community members who need the following services:

  • Computer/Internet Use
  • Printing/Photo-Copies/Fax
  • Referrals

Our Fall Office Hours are the following:

Monday 10:00 am - 6:00pm

Tuesday 10:00 am - 6:00 pm


Thursday 10:00 pm - 6:00pm


Although New York City has lifted all COVID-19 restrictions and face mask requirements, The C.R.I.B. must still adhere to these COVID-19 preventative protocols.

Mandatory Face Masks: To keep all of us safe, everyone, including staff is required to wear a face mask at all times while at our site regardless of vaccination status.

Wellness Screening: Everyone who enters the site will have their temperature taken. We also require everyone to complete a wellness checklist and sign our daily log before entering our site.

Physical Distancing: All of our tables and seating are safely and appropriately set at least 6" feet apart. We are still required to maintain social-distance, therefore we operating at 50% percent capacity. Only five individuals are allowed into our space at a time including staff.

Strict Sanitization Protocols: Disinfection of all frequently touch surfaces and high traffic areas with an EPA-registered disinfectant. We also have hand sanitizing stations available throughout the site.

Frequent Handwashing: Staff and community members are encouraged to follow strict and thorough hand washing guidelines issued by the CDC.

Availability of PPE: Disposable face masks, hand sanitizers, and hand gloves will be available for community members and staff everyday.

The C.R.I.B. reabrir a los miembros de la comunidad que necesiten los siguientes servicios:

  • Uso de computadora/Internet
  • Servicios de impresión/ copiado/fax
  • Referencias

Nuestro Horario de Oficina de Otono:

Lunes 10:00am- 6:00pm

Martes 10:00am -6:00pm


Jueves 10:00pm- 6:00pm


Nada es mas importante para nosotros que la salud y bienestar de cada miembro de nuestra comunidad y nuestra personal. Por eso hemos implementado nuevos protocolos de seguridad y salud.

Mascaras Faciales: para mantenernos a todas seguros, todos, incluido el personal, deben usar una mascara facial en todo memento mientras esten en nuestro sitio.

Distancia Fisica:Todas nuestras mesas y asientos estan colocados de manera segura y adecuada al menos a 6" pies de distancia.

Protocolos Estrictos de Desinfeccion: La desinfeccion con frecuencia las superficies y las areas de alto trafico al menos una vez cada hora con un desinfectante registrado por la EPA. Tambien tenemos estaciones de desinfeccion de manos disponibles.

Lavado De Manos Frecuente: Se alienta al personal y a los miembros de la comunidad a seguir las pautas estrictas y exhaustivas de lavado de manos emitidas por el CDC.

Disponibilidad De PPE: Los miembros de la comunidad y el personal dispondran de mascarillas desechables,desinfectantes de manos y guantes de mano.